CET Group | Cooling Water
Engineer, Engineering, Geelong, CET Group, Innovation, Compliance INDUSTRIES. CET Group provides value to many industries through our wide range of skills and experience. SERVICES. CET Group can work on specific tasks or run the whole job for you. Check out the services we can offer. PROJECTS. CET Group has worked on varied projects in both scale and product. Click to see our most recent projects. Innovation. Finding innovative solutions to problems is what puts CET Group above the rest. Engineering. Providing precise and calculated results based on experience, evidence and engineering principals. Compliance. Following national, regional and company standards to achieve safe and efficient outcomes.
Engineer, Engineering, Geelong, CET Group, Innovation, Compliance
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Cooling Water

Cooling Towers work on evaporation, drawing in environmental air and expelling heat in the form of water vapour.  Although the water is dosed, CET Group employs measures to avoid microbiological contamination to:

  • Prevent pockets / dead legs that allow growth and become bacterial feeding sites;
  • Sluice and expel debris from basins and flat surfaces within towers to remove sludge that protects organisms from dosed chemicals;
  • Ensure constant movement of water at velocity in piping network even when process cooling is not required;
  • Flush lines at start up;
  • Ensure minimum flows are achieved to keep evaporation surfaces scrubbed with velocity inside towers.

Closed loop systems are designed to minimise pockets, allow regular dosing and move at velocity to ensure pockets are replenished.